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About Codford Parish Council

The Council elected in May 2007, will stay in office until May 2011. The present Chairman of the Council is Romy Wyeth

Any vacancies for Councillors will be advertised on the Parish notice boards and on the Website.

Any 10 people on the Electoral Register may ask for an election. The full cost of such an election will be paid from the village finances. If there is not a request, the Council may fill the vacancy by Co-option, that is, asking someone they know or who has expressed an interest, if they would like to become a Councillor.

All Council Meetings are open to the public and the press. At Committee meetings, it is at the Chairman's discretion to give the public an opportunity to raise matters of relevance. All meetings are advertised on the parish notice boards, in the Ashton Gifford Community News and on the Parish Council Web site. Occasionally, it may be necessary to conduct business in private, especially discussions about contractual, legal or staffing matters. This will be usually at the end of the Agenda for the meeting.

The Annual Parish Meeting takes place between XX and XX each year in the village hall. The date and venue is advertised on parish notice boards, in the Ashton Gifford Community News and on the Parish Council Web site. The Council is be represented by the Chairman, who also presides over the meeting. This meeting is not governed by the Council's Standing orders and is the statutory opportunity for the public to raise any issue directly affecting the parish, for local debate.

The Council consults the public in several ways, the council may for example hold public open meetings in addition to the annual parish meeting, or may simply invite comments, suggestions and complaints either in person, or in writing from the public.

The Clerk to the Council is the only paid employee of the council. His role is to to deal with correspondence, organise meetings and maintain suitable financial records.

The Council raise their funds using the precept, which forms a very small element of the Council Tax. Parish Councils receive no central government grants so therefore have every incentive to keep expenditure low and to be prudent.

The Council gives grants to local groups notice boards. Contact the Clerk for more information.

Planning Applications.
The Council is consulted by the District Council on all Planning Applications within the Parish Boundary.

Parish Councils have influence on strategic planning issues and on a range of other important matters.

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