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How to get in touch

Bratton Parochial Church Council produces the “White Horse Churchman”, which is delivered to each household in the village (contact: Members of the congregation also receive a weekly pewsheet.

“The News”, while not being a church publication, is a magazine for the villages of Coulston, Edington, and Erlestoke; it has a circulation of 620 and is delivered free to every house in these three villages. It is used extensively to inform the whole community of church activities, including the full list of monthly church Services and includes a ‘leading’ article written either by the rector or by the Licensed Lay Minister. A separate weekly pewsheet is also produced for these three parishes (contact

The Diocese of Salisbury also publishes its own monthly newspaper entitled “The Sarum Link”, which is distributed free through each of the churches (contact:

The easiest ways of contacting the rector - The Reverend Andrew Sinclair - Telephone: 01380 830 374 or

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